This blog discusses games about learning to program. I've listed the most interesting articles below. You can also check out the complete index, or subscribe with the RSS feed. My main web site is

Won't get fooled systematically

Figure out how to decode an obfuscated maze solution, then construct a machine to do it for you.

A Symmetriad

The laws that make the world run are represented by machines, ancient temples, landscapes, etc. that physically exist within the world.

The One, The Many

As a member of a swarm that collectively hallucinates reality, changing your mind could change the world.

Code-worthy gameplay

Should a programming game be about boring tasks, so the player is compelled to automate them? If so, how do we avoid making a boring game?


Learn about compression algorithms by constructing surprising inputs.

Incredibly Rocky

What would a programming version of The Incredible Machine look like?

Magical programming

In a game world made of code, a programmer is indistinguishable from a wizard.

Machine Languages

A discussion of "design puzzle" games, which usually don't provide powerful languages. This makes some kinds of debugging easy, but complexity quickly becomes overwhelming with no abstractions to help manage it.